
as Matt, in Seven
Brides for Seven Brothers

Sweet Charity (1969)
... aka Sweet Charity: The Adventures of a Girl Who Wanted to Be
Loved (1969) (USA: complete title)
Charlie (credited
as Dante D'Paulo)
We first see her in the
company of Charlie (Dante DiPaolo), a slimeball who steals her purse
and pushes her into the Central Park pond.
Blood and Black Lace (1964)
Frank Sacalo
aka Franco Sacalo
The murder yarn unspools in and around the
fashion salon Christiana Haute Coutoure, which is essentially an old
dark house full of beautiful young women and lorded over by
Christiana Cuomo (Eva Bartok). All is not well within these
well-appointed walls, however. The tetchy Christiana is a recent
widow; the nervous Marco (Massimo Rigie) has a drug habit and a crush
on one of the models; the sickly Franco (Dante DiPaolo) has his own
habit; among the girls, Nicole (Ariana Gorini) runs cocaine and Peggy
(Mary Arden) is hiding a recent abortion.
The Girl Who Knew Too Much (1963)
aka The Evil Eye (USA 1654)
Andrea Landini
From a review:
The supporting cast is excellent, particularly the ambivalent
reporter Landini (Dante DePaolo) who sketches extremes of Sinister,
Plaintive, and Pathetic in a just a few brief strokes.
Carmen di Trastevere (1962)
Marte, dio della guerra (1962)
Ponzio Pilato (1962)
aka Pontius Pilate (1962) (USA)
Simon the Pharisee
Maciste nella terra dei ciclopi (1961)
aka Atlas Against the Cyclops (1963) (USA) or Atlas in the Land of the Cyclops (1963) (USA: TV title)
put me in a loincloth and really dark makeup. I would lower people
into a pit."

Maciste alla corte del Gran Khan (1961)
aka Samson and the Seven Miracles of the World (1962) (USA)
Giuseppe venduto dai fratelli (1960)
aka Story of Joseph and His Brethren, The (1962) (USA)
was the brother sent by the devil. I did Joseph in. I hit him with a
rock and threw him in a pit....I sold him down the river. I bartered
with the guys who bought him."
Cha-Cha-Cha-Boom (1956)
(credited as Dante De Paulo)

Click here to see photos and video clips
from Cha Cha Cha Boom.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)
Meet Me at the Fair (1953)
Specialty dancer (uncredited)
Ziegfeld Follies (1946)
Dancer in Men's Chorus
A revue in the tradition of the Ziegfeld
Follies, composed of a number of musical and comedy numbers.
Highlights include Judy Garland's "A Great Lady Has an
Interview" (aka "Madame Crematante"), Gene Kelly and
Fred Astaire in "The Babbitt and the Bromide" (the only
time they ever danced together on screen), and Fred Astaire and
Lucille Bremer in "Limehouse Blues." This film was in the
making for about three years or more. Each segment was filmed by a
different director, and the entire film was assembled and released in
1945 for preview. It was then pulled back and reworked, and finally
released in April 1946.
Dante is part of the 1:33 minute segment
called "A Great Lady Has an Interview" (aka "The
Interview" or "Madame Crematante") which is sung and
danced by Judy Garland and the Men's Chorus
Chip Off the Old Block (1944)
Dancer (uncredited)
The Starmaker (1939) Dancer
- Movie with Bing Crosby