When Rosemary left 4 Girls 4 for good in 1983, the call went out to Whiting to rejoin the group. She was on the next plane. The act now consisted of Whiting, Rose Marie, Starr and OConnell. Soon, the old tensions between Rose Marie and OConnell began to re-emerge.
"Then I called Frankie Ortega and he came over and we lined up a finale number. I thought it would be great, but Frankie said to call Helen. "I said, Why should I call Helen? He thought I should let her know. So I called her, and she said, We dont need a new finale. Why should we spend more money when we have a good finale. I said, Were playing the same places! The same crap doesnt make it! You just cant change your dress or a song and make it another act! We need a new finale! "She didnt understand why we should spend the money, and I think she was the richest of us all! So I told her that if she didnt want to do it, Id do it in my act. Then she said she wanted to hear it. The moment I said it was going to be in my act, she was interested. So we finally did it." 4 Girls 4 went to Phoenix; Dallas; Westbury, Long Island; St. Louis; Chicago. According to Rose Marie, they did "great biz" and the new finale brought them standing ovations. Unfortunately Rose Maries throat was starting to give her problems. She quit the act again, telling the other "girls" that "Thank You Very Much" was her gift to them.
"Most of the people who will be heading out to the Drury Lane Oakbrook Theatre this week to see Helen OConnell, Kay Starr and Margaret Whiting will be doing so, I imagine, for nostalgic reasons -- eager to stir memories of the band-singer era and hoping there wont be so many signs of advanced age on the stage that the audience, too, will begin to feel its years," wrote Larry Kart of the Chicago Tribune. "Theres nothing wrong with all that, but let me insist that the OConnell-Starr-Whiting show also deserves to be seen for purely musical reasons. In fact, Id like to take every aspiring pop vocalist in the area and bus them out to Oakbrook, because these three singers know a great deal about how to interpret a song and may be in better voice now than they were back in the 30s and 40s." The group, Kart said, "is perfectly balanced, with Whiting adding hearty wisecracks to her elegantly straightforward contralto, OConnell singing with a slyly wistful depth that touches the heart and Starr summoning up all of her old guttural power."
During a six-week run of one-night stands in Florida, the Orlando Sentinel caught up with Whiting, who told reporter Winifred Walsh, "We spend life fighting off colds and trying to get breakfast. It is very difficult to get up at 8 a.m., then spend four to six hours traveling in our mobile home to the next town. We get in about 4 p.m., unpack, eat dinner, dress and go on at 8 p.m. Then the next morning we pack and check out. Were living out of a suitcase." At the completion of the tour, she told the reporter, shed begin cutting another album. "November 20th is my Thanksgiving Day," she said. "I will be back in New York choosing songs for the album and rehearsing for my upcoming two-month run at the Algonquin Hotel. Im working more than ever now. This has been the best year of my life." Prior to their series of engagements in Florida that year, the 4 Girls played the Orange County Performing Arts Center in California, and again, the reviews were sterling.
Inevitably, however, 4 Girls 4 was fading away. The following year it was back to 3 Girls 3, with OConnell, Whiting and Starr continuing to perform wherever they could get gigs. A New York Times cabaret listing from October 15, 1989 has the 3 Girls doing a Sunday show at the Criterion Cabaret in Manhattan. It was among their last performances. Asked recently where they last appeared as 3 Girls 3, neither Starr nor Whiting could recall. It was, after all, a decade and a half ago. Go To Page: 1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---10---11---12---13---14 --- NEXT>>> |