Heaven on Earth
(Sep 16, 1948 - Sep 25, 1948)
Broadway Show - New Century Theatre
Book by Barry Trivers; Lyrics
by Barry Trivers; Music by Jay Gorney, Robert Russell Bennett, Nick
Castle. Choreographed by Nick Castle.

Texas, Li'l Darlin
(Nov 25, 1949 - Sep 9, 1950)
Show - Mark Hellinger Theatre
part of Times Square Church)
Amos Hall
and Cowboy
by Robert Emmett Dolan; Book by Sam Moore and John Whedon; Lyrics by Johnny
Mercer; Music orchestrated by Robert Russell Bennett;
Choreographed by Al White, Jr. more
Dancer in Mae West's show.
Monte Proser's Tropicana Revue (1957)
Tropicana showcased this revue starring
Ernie Kovacs/Edie Adams/Neile Adams/Mary Ellen/Dante D'Paulo/Leona
Gage/Lizanne Truex/Bobby Milano/Kitty Dolan/The Bill Norvas
Singers/The Tropicana Girls/Betty Jean Hansen, Eddie Fisher, Korothy
Kirsten, Dick Shawn, and Nat Brandwynne & His Orchestra.
Monte Proser's Tropicana Revue
(July, 1957)
Tropicana showcased this revue w/Carol
Channing/Sylvana Lewis/Jack Costanzo/Bill Norvas Singers/Elaine
Dunn/Dante D'Paulo/Betty Jean Hanson/The Tropicana Girls/Nat
Brandwynne & His Orchestra. The Maitre d' was Richard Hubert.
Monte Proser's Tropicana Holiday
Tropicana showcased this revue starring Jack
Ackerman/Carla Alberghetti, /Nat Brandwynne & his
Orchestra/George Chakaris/Cathy Crosby/Bob Devoye Trio/Elaine
Dunn/Sean Garrison/Dante D'Paulo/Duke Hazlett/Ernie Kovacs/Edie
Adams/Jayne Mansfield w/Mickey Hargitay/Noonan & Marshall/Johnny
Puleo & His Harmonica Gang/Dick Shawn/Jackie Tallman/George Tapps
& His Dancers/Lizanne Truex/Don Williams Singers/Most Beautiful
Girls in the World/Walter Winchell. The words and music by Gordon Jenkins.
Other shows this year included Monte Proser presents Carol
Channing and a New Musical Comedy with Nat Brandwynne & his
Orchestra/Elaine Dunn/Mary Ellen/Noonan & Marshall/George Tapps
& His Dancers/Lizanne Truex/Don Williiams Singers; and Monte
Proser presents Red Buttons/Nat Brandwynne & his Orchestra/Most
Beautiful Girls in the World/George Tapps & his Dancers/Don
Wililams Singers. Also showcased were Eddie Fisher, Shecky Greene,
and Roberta Sherwood. The Showcase Theatre showcased Jerry Colonna,
Jerry Lester in Vegas Open House, and The Three Suns. |